With the weather heating up down here in Charleston I cant stop thinking about the Summer Saturdays at the Beach. There is not many better things you can do than spend a day at the beach. Walking up the beach path with cotton mouth waiting on that first beer you step out of your flip flops and into the warm sand (hopefully warm and not hot). Look around to find that perfect spot on the beach, you don't want kids around but you do want bikini clad coeds, and you need room enough for your beach games.
Acceptable Beach Games: Bocci Ball, Horseshoes, and Frisbee
UNacceptable Beach Games:
Paddle Ball(wasn't fun when you were a kid not fun now)
Paddle Ball with Velcro (worse than plain paddle ballBuilding a Sand Castle (its cool for all you 8 year old future engineers of America just weird now)
Then you sling your back pack chair off of your shoulder, if you dont have a back pack chair then you just don't know what you are doing (you might be from Ohio). People from ohio--->
Next is the first Cooler Cold Beer of the day, nothing better. 45 minutes and 4 beers later you get that feeling. You know what I'm talking about, your eye catches view of the horizontal lines of women grouped together at waist high water but just spread out enough; the lone men at least 20 yards away from the next person, you go waist deep and relax. Or, you could do the soccer star special and take a knee 5 yards behind your friends on the beach. All you have to do is enjoy the rest of your day.
Beach Recommendations:
Beer Type- Lager
Food- Sandwich and Chips
Ice have lots of it and Water and Gatorade
Sunscreen- apply lotion before you arrive and reapply with spray can (its not that cool rubbing sandy lotion on your skin)
Music-its a must